THE EGG | By: Andriana Ilana Maria Cabillo | | Category: Short Story - Horror Bookmark and Share



One day Bob woke up with a weird headache. He touched his head where
it was hurting and felt something hard under his skin. He got up and
went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and see what it was. He
didn’t see anything so he took some Tylenol for his headache and went
back to sleep. About an hour later Bob woke up again and his headache
was even worse. He touched his head again and this time he felt a
lump where his head was hurting. He got up and went to the bathroom
to look in the mirror and see what it was. Again he didn’t see
anything and went back to bed. Bob woke up an hour later in a cold
sweat. his headache was a pounding one and he touched his head where
it was hurting. This time what he felt on his head scared him. The
lump he felt before had grown 3 times it’s size! He was scared to go
to the bathroom and look at it but he went anyways. He slowly walked
to the mirror and looked at his reflection. There was nothing there!
No lump at all! He touched his head and he still felt the huge lump
on his head. But why couldn’t he see it? He was sure that it was
there. Bob thought maybe he was dreaming so he decided to try and go
back to sleep. He lay in bed for hours but couldn’t get one wink of
sleep because his headache was growing more and more painful. He kept
feeling his head where the lump was and it felt as though it did
stop growing but it was sticking more and more out of his head.
And the more he touched it he decided it had grown into sort of an
egg shape. For the next hour the pain had grown unbearable in Bob’s
head. It hurt so badly that he wanted to scream. Just when he thought
the pain could get no worse the sharpest pain yet traveled through
Bob’s body from the tip of his toes to the lump on his head. Bob was
about to pass out from the pain when all of a sudden there was a loud
pop and the pain was gone. In shock and releived because the pain was
gone but in horror because of the loud popping noise Bob slowly
reached for the egg-like lump on his head. It was gone. Bob ran to the mirror in the
bathroom. Nothing. He looked normal except for the bags under his eyes
from not getting enough sleep. He stared at himself and thought
“Oh my god, I’m going crazy!”. In the middle of his thoughts about
seeing a doctor he heard a noise in his room. It sounded like a penny
going around in circles on the floor. Bob went back to his bedroom.
He saw nothing. He looked under his bed. Something was moving but he
couldn’t see what it was, it was too dark. He reached for his
flashlight and flipped the switch. “No,” he thought “It can’t be!”.
Under the bed there lay a flesh colored egg. It was moving and
crackling. Bob watched in horror. The egg cracked. Something was
moving inside it. The egg slowly opened. Suddenly the phone rang.
Bob didn’t want to answer it but whoever it was wouldn’t hang up the
phone so it kept ringing. Bob left the bed to pick up the receiver.
It was his doctor. He informed Bob that he had brain cancer and that
he would have to come back to the hospital for further testing. He
went back to the bed and looked under it. The egg was gone. Bob was
too upset about the brain cancer to care anymore about the strange
egg and put the thought of it in the back of his mind. Besides, maybe
it was the brain cancer that was making him imagine things. Bob was
got dressed and went to the hospital. They did all kinds of tests on
him. Bob sat in the waiting room waiting for his doctor to tell him
what was going on. The doctor came in and looked at him amazed. “Bob,
your brain cancer is completely gone. The tumor seems to have just
disappeared into thin air. I think maybe the tests we took last week
must have been inaccurate. I’m very sorry about this Bob I know how
worried you must have been.” The confused doctor left the room. Bob
thought about his strange experience, maybe he wasn’t crazy after all.
Click Here for more stories by Andriana Ilana Maria Cabillo
