Best Friends Forever | By: Jessica May | | Category: Poem - Nature Bookmark and Share

Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever

I don’t see why some best friends make each other cry,
But since I’m your best friend I’ll always make you smile.
In your time of need, happiness-
Pain, or even sorrow
I’d run a thousand miles,
Just to be by your side.
I don’t always have the nicest things to say,
But I’ll always treat you like more than a human being,
When you want to talk,
I’ll be your listener
And always do my best to be a burden lifter
After all that’s what best friends are here for.
We’ve had great memories
Fun times to be shared
Many more to come in our days.
Our children growing up together
So they can be the same as we
So many plans, dreams, wishes we hope to come true
When we wish upon the same star
Even though we live so far apart.
Thanks always, J.J for being my best friend by far.
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