THE SENORITA. | By: Terry Collett | | Category: Short Story - Love Bookmark and Share


Senorita Contorno smells
Of apples; sometimes she
Smells of flowers and the
Morning breeze, and when

You see her passing by there’s
The sight of hair and dress
And beauty in each step, and
Looking downward when she

Goes, her sense of innocence
Fills the eye and numbs the
Mind and dumbs the lips, and
Makes her like an angel seem.

But that is just the outward
View; the eyes taking what is
Seen as truth alone; the mind
Interpreting the sense’s code,

Sees her different, in another
Mode, sees and understands
These things in a different way;
And you in that instance going

From sight to thought from mere
Thought to deep desire, see in each
Passing step sufficient fuel in flesh
And love to set your heart on fire.

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