The Hyrula’s Deadly Love | By: Emmanuel Barraza | | Category: Short Story - Chronical Bookmark and Share

The Hyrula’s Deadly Love

The Hyrula’s Deadly Love
By: Emmanuel Barraza


Juliya arrives at her usual club site and starts to have major a headache. The music is so loud that Juliya can’t even stand it. She goes outside to smoke and relax for a while. She then notices someone else coming out, it’s the person she has been waiting to talk ever since she became Hyrula, of course she wasn’t going to tell him her secret but she just wanted to talk to him. She goes toward him very fast and……
“Hi Adrian.”
“Juliya, you startled me. Were you waiting for me here?”
“No, not really. I just had to get away from all that noise. What’s your story?”
“I wanted to get out as well but, I wanted to go get a bite to eat. Before I leave.”
“Oh, ok. Don’t let me keep you from getting what you’re going to eat.”
“It’s alright. It can wait. I wanted to talk to you anyways.”
“About what?”
What a coincidence thought Juliya after she was the one planning to talk to him.
“I came to tell you that I have been thinking about you ever since we met that night. I can’t get you out of my head. I mean, I feel this connection of fate pulling me towards you and I just can’t explain the rest. I’m sorry, I sounded so dramatic right there, and I’ll leave you now.”
Right before Adrian could say good-bye, Juliya came towards him and kissed him! The two beings linked like adhesive and neither wanted it to end but Juliya did and whispered this.
“I know how you feel.”
“You do?”
“I also feel that connection. Adrian, I want to become acquainted with you better. I feel that if I know you better I will also know myself better.”
“So do you want to be in a relationship? Is that what you are telling me?”
“Yes it is, Adrian, it is.”
“Great, because that was what I was trying to come across on. I just couldn’t find the words.”
Juliya closes in on her newly found love, and kisses him like she’s never kissed any of her loves in the past before.
“Oh Hera! I got to go. Adrian I’m so sorry but, I can’t be with you ever. And believe me when I say this, that it is not you, it’s me.”
Juliya realizes that she can never be in a relationship because of her prolonged existence on the world. Since she ages at 1/5 of the rate that humans do. She has been with numerous counts of men but could never go on with them because they would age and get old, as for her she would look the same after 10 years! Soon her partners would suspect something of her and claim that she is some kind of demon!
“But Juliya! What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?”
“No you didn’t. It’s just; I can’t ever be with men. It never works out.”
“Does that mean that it’s going to be like that with us also?”
“Look Adrian, I don’t want to prolong this conversation so this is good-bye.”
“Wait, at least let me tell you my secret.”
“I’m sorry but, good-bye.”
Immediately, Adrian yells out his message.
“I’m a Lacree!!!”


Juliya stops in her tracks and turns around. She faces Adrian eye to eye. And says…………
“You’re a what?”
“I’m a Lacree. It’s a vampire crossed with a shape shifter. The shape shifter that is a part of me can change into a Peregrine falcon. Look, let me show you.”
Juliya looks on, not in astonishment, but in horror. For she knows very well what a Lacree is. She has fought numerous Lacree’s in her past. They are fast as witches, such as her, and have an incredible strength that matches her own in every way. She never suspected to meet any of them in the city since they usually live in the country. But maybe there is a story to Adrian’s appearance in New York. But she doesn’t care about that; she has to kill him as soon as possible. It is her duty to do so.
Adrian finally completes his transforming and is perched on a trash can lid. He has a ravishing, brown, black, ivory, and goldenrod plumage. He starts to cry out in a screech. He flies over to Juliya but she ducks before he hits her by an inch. He comes back to the exact place he was standing on when he was shape shifting. He starts to turn back into the man he is.
“I know this must be hard to comprehend but this is real. I just hope you can keep my secret. Juliya???”
“You monster! No you’re worse you’re a leech!”
“What did you call me? You’re not like the people around her are you?”
“No, I’m like the ones that have been killing your people for centuries. You might have heard of a group of witches/vampire hunters. It’s called the Dawn line.”
Adrian jumped at the name of that name. He knows one notorious member of the Dawn line and that person is Juliya Saba Nile Dawn!
“You can’t be! I would of sensed your kind’s presence.”
“I would of also but that didn’t happen did it? Or I would have been looking for you and killed you on the spot where ever you would be.”
“Wait Juliya, before you do what ever you are planning to do with me, let me ask you this. Do you really want to kill me? I mean you just said that you wanted to be in a relationship with me.”
“All that is in the past. I have to do this.”
“So, it’s because you have to, not want to.”
“Just shut up already!”
“No I won’t! Juliya I love you no matter what you are, even if you’re a sworn enemy to my people. I won’t let you do this to us.”
“There was never an us, I don’t know where you got that idea. It is my obligation as Hyrula to kill you and anything else that is evil. So don’t try to make me go easy on you just because I said yes to your idiotic question.”
“Go on then Juliya; kill me if you can let yourself do it.”
“Watch me!”
Juliya charges in as usually with great anticipation of killing her foes. She unsheathes her Fumata dagger, the same dagger that she used on Vincente. This dagger is forged by white and black magic. So if touches anyone with a slight touch with its blade, it will immediately burn the exact place on the flesh. And if it causes a gash in the skin of any being, creature, or mortal, it will spread an infection through out the whole in a matter of 18 minutes. The infection can never be removed and it is especially to vampires.
Juliya has almost gotten to Adrian when she suddenly…..


Juliya grabs a hold of Adrian and takes him down with her. She then starts to hold his arms down and starts to kiss him! Then it goes on for several minutes and then Juliya gets up and tries to explain herself.
“You’re right Adrian I don’t want to kill you but I feel like if I don’t that all this fighting against your kind has been a total mistake. I do love you and I don’t want to go against my line’s rules. I don’t know what to do.”
Juliya, I know how you feel. And I know what will happen if you don’t kill me. Your line of people will have a total feud against mine. Not only that they will try to kill you even if you are the leader of your line.”
“Then how do we go on with this?”
“We can keep this in secrecy at the time being but we can’t see of each other for long or my kind and your kind will be suspicious. Is that all right with you?”
“That’s a great idea. But some of this doesn’t seem right, I’m your sworn enemy and now I’m your lover, this all just confusing.”
“I know it is but, all this will clear up. We must never tell our kind about this.”
“Well yeah, if they do find out they will surely kill us or send either one of us to kill each other.”
“Alright, then it’s settled, you and me are lovers?”
“Lovers, what a wonderful name, yes we are.”
“Great um…”
Adrian moves in and starts to kiss his Juliya. At this moment he is wondering how he ever lived without her and wants to never leave her side. The same goes for Juliya. Again they both can’t explain this passion for each other. But soon they’re going to act very different from each other soon.
“I think I better return home now. My Gryuiph are probably worried about me right now. So I’ll call you later?”
“Yeah sure, um let me give you a ride.”
“Uh, I got my own methods of getting home.”
“I can’t certainly let you go home this late home alone, I……Juliya? Where did you go?”
And like that Juliya teleported to her room.
“Oh Hera! I forgot to tell Adrian I can teleport. I’ll call him now.”
“You’ll call who now?”
“Kernad, I didn’t see you there. How much did you hear and how long have you been here?”
“I’ve been here five minutes and I heard everything. Now who is this Adrian?”
“He’s just a person I met at the club, Las Noches. Is there something wrong with me calling someone now?”
“No, there is something wrong when you’re about to tell this person that you can teleport. Did he see you do this?”
“No, he didn’t, Kernad. Don’t worry. You’ll get even more wrinkles than you do already. Ha!”
“This is no laughing matter Juliya. If this human saw you teleport, then he can expose you. As the first general of your guard I cannot permit you to contact this Adrian.”
“Kernad he did not see me teleport! Do you understand?”
“Yes milady. I just don’t anything to happen to you. You understand don’t you?”
“Yes I do Kernad. Now is there anything else that you want to tell me?”
“Um, oh yes, there have been accounts of a few vampires in the area. And the guard was thinking of going after them ourselves and let you rest for a while. I mean you just did complete the ceremony. His is just our way of saying take a rest. Is it all right with you?”
“Are you sure that all accounts are accurate? Some of them could be Lacree.”
“We are very sure milady. So do we have your consent?”
Juliya thought this through carefully as to not make a mistake and let them loose on Adrian, and came up with a conclusion.
“Yes, you may Kernad. Just be careful and give the guard my prayers for them.”
“Yes milady, I will.”


Right when Juliya knew that the guard had gotten out of her mansion. She immediately called Adrian.
“Hello,” Adrian says groggily.
“Sorry, did I wake you up Adrian?”
“Juliya?! Where did you disappear to? I was so worried about you.”
“I forgot to tell you that I can teleport. That’s why I didn’t need a ride home.”
“I wish you told me earlier.”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you soon but you know what happened between us that time. I mean, I did try to kill you.”
“Don’t remind me. Yeah well, it is getting a little late, so I better get to bed. So should you. We’ve been through enough already for one night.”
“You sleep through the night? I thought you were a vampire?”
“I’m only part vampire so I can tolerate the sun like humans and like you.”
“That clears up a few things. So yea, it is getting a little late so see you later.”
Juliya hangs up the phone and goes to bed as well. It has been a hectic night after all. So she changes into her night clothes and falls asleep with the image of Adrian in her mind.
‘Wait, what are you doing Kernad! Don’t do this to him! He was not the one who harmed me, it was………’
Juliya abruptly wakes up and is drenched in a cold sweat. She gets up and goes to the bathroom. She washes her face with cold water and wakes herself up.
“What was that? That was so strange. Who was Kernad harming that I had to tell him to stop? I surely hope that it wasn’t Adrian. What am I saying? It was just a stupid dream Juliya, get over yourself. Just remember it was just a dream.”
Juliya decides to take a stroll in the courtyard by her mansion. She ponders why she had that dream. And about Adrian being harmed by Kernad. And who was she harmed by? She teleports herself to her room once again and tries to go to sleep. It’s takes a couple of minutes but she was able to sleep.


Weeks passed by like seconds in an hour glass. The new couple to see each other and their relationship has developed significantly. Adrian and Juliya go out in the day with each other sometimes but, not too much as to expose their secret of being in a relationship. It seems that nothing can harm their relationship. Or so they think.
“Hi Juliya, What are you doing right this moment?”
“Oh nothing, why?”
“Well you know we’ve been together now for a month and a half now. And I was wondering if you can come over and do that thing I said if we ever get serious.”
“Oh Adrian, I’m not ready yet, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to explain my beloved. I understand.”
“Is that all you wanted to say?”
“No, I was wondering if you want to go meet some friends that are coming in from my home town in Chicago. I was planning to introduce them to you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go and meet them. Do you?”
“Yeah sure, but what if they don’t like me? I mean are they……”
Adrian interrupts.
“Lacree? Yea, they are but, I know they’re going to love you the minute they meet you.”
“I don’t know. What if they try to fight me? I don’t want to fight them and kill them in the process. I think it’s a bad idea.”
“Nonsense! If they try to attack you I’ll kill them myself.”
“Alright, I’ll go, for you. Where should I meet you?”
“The usual. I’ll be waiting for you around 8p.m. Alright?”
The day passes by Juliya and she gets ready by wearing an outfit that consists of a blue top and a maroon jeans. She fixes her hair so as to look good in front of Adrian’s friends.
She arrives at the clique she always goes to. And she sees Adrian waiting at the front door. She noticed that he does not have anybody by his side. His friends must not have arrived yet. And so she runs toward him and sneaks from behind him and scares him.
“Holy shit! Oh it’s you Juliya, don’t do that to me you almost gave me a heart attack.”
The two lovers laugh at the thought of it. Since he is already dead.
“So where are your friends, have they arrived yet?”
“No they haven’t and I’m getting worried. You know what that’s not important right now. All that is important is you and me.”
“Shall we go inside then? I feel like an energy of tremendous force ready to be let loose on the dance floor.”
“Sure, let’s go.”
Adrian’s friends never arrive during the whole time of night.
“Well I’ll see you later, ok sweetie. RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.”
“I can’t let you leave in this state, Juliya. I’m taking you home with me. Whether you like it or not.”
“But, but….”
“No buts! You’re coming with me and that is it. Now come on. I’m driving you to my apartment.”
The long drive to Adrian’s apartment was gruesome. Juliya had to throw up a few times along the way. And she would open the door sometimes. But, they finally arrived. The worst part of taking her to his apartment is that he had to carry her because she could hardly walk. He lived on the third floor so it was torture for him and her.
Adrian arrives at his door and tries to open his door as he could. He takes Juliya over to his bed and tells her……
“I’m going to sleep on the couch, alright? You can sleep on my bed. I’ll get you some covers.”
“Yes Juliya?”
“Please don’t leave me. I want you to sleep with me.”
“No it’s ok Juliya, I’ll sep on the couch….”
“I won’t hear it. Now just go get dressed in what you sleep in and then come in bed with me.”
“Alright Juliya. Let me just get dressed really fast.”
Adrian walks into his bathroom and starts to undress and just puts on some pant pajamas on and leaves his shirt off. He walks toward the bed and sits on the edge. He starts to caress Juliya’s face and then covers her up.
Juliya notices something on Adrian’s back, it is his full name, and when read it says this, Adrian Juanito Benites, and also noticed the picture of a large Ankh on his chest. As Adrian lies down on the bed right next to Juliya, Juliya brings her arms around his waist and keeps them like for the whole night. Adrian tried to take Juliya’s arms off of him but she refused to let him. And so the entwined souls indulge in a tantalizing slumber.


‘Juliya what are you doing? He’s a Lacree and you’re defending him? Why?’
‘I just have to Kernad. Why must you try to kill him? Kernad, I love him!’
‘You what!? I can’t be hearing this’
‘Please try to understand Kernad. I truly love him please don’t kill him.’
‘Juliya if you told me before I found out about you two, I would still kill him. What do you think that asking me right now will make a difference? It won’t now I must do my objective and that is to kill this creature of evil.’
‘He is not evil! He is the one that saved me from that……’
Juliya suddenly wakes up from her dream and immediately goes to the bathroom and throws up. When she notices that she is not in her house, she goes immediately back to the room where she came from. She finds Adrian in the bed that she was in. She is total shock at this moment. She goes over to Adrian and wakes him up.
“Um, Adrian?”
“Mmmm, what?”
“How am I in your house and not at mine?”
“Mmmm! Oh you’re awake Juliya? When did you get up?”
“I just woke up. Now how am I in house?”
“Oh, that. Well you got really drunk last night and I couldn’t let you go home like that. So I brought you to my house and you slept with me on my bed. Don’t think that I made you do anything that you wouldn’t want to without you’re consent.”
“I was a little worried there.”
“You know that you can trust me.”
“Yea, I do.”
The two hug each other and kiss. Adrian brings Juliya down to the face of the mattress and he starts to cuddle with her. She responds in the same way. The cuddling suddenly stops when Juliya’s cell phone starts to ring.
“Hello? Oh, Kernad! I’m at a friend’s house. I was too drunk to drive last night. I’m sorry I didn’t check with you. I’ll get home as soon possible. Ok, bye.”
“Wasn’t that your first general that you were talking to?
“Yea and he is really pissed off. I have to leave right now. I’m sorry. I’ll see you when I can, ok?”
“Alright. Bye Juliya.”
“I love you.”
And Juliya stops teleporting her way to her mansion. And responds.
“I love you, too.”
And like that she leaves. In her mind she is thinking why Kernad is harming Adrian in her dream. She just hopes that it doesn’t come true. And if it does what will happen to Adrian. She just hopes that it is not……… death.
Click Here for more stories by Emmanuel Barraza
