Life Will Come This Way...... I Hope | By: Rayne Dunbar | | Category: Short Story - Getting Help Bookmark and Share

Life Will Come This Way...... I Hope

I am looking in the mirror and I see myself. I think, wow, am I that ugly. All my friends tease me and say I am the fattest girl at the school. And I laugh and say, I know, but I didn't know, and they don't know either. They don't know me. They don't know Haley Tanner. No one does, not even me. They stared at me in awe like I am beautiful when I wore my prom dress, but I'm not pretty. No way. They are, obviously, from the test results from Youstupida Planet. I am so lame, and stupid, and ugly, and RETARDED! Sometimes I wish I could just be left alone. Did I mention I am a le--


"Haley, honey, WAKE UP!", wailed Ms. Tanner. " MOM, DON'T YELL AT ME BEFORE YOU GET YOUR BUTT BEAT! Sometimes my mom is just a pain in the butt. She acts like she can tell me what to do. NOPE! I a now in high school. Home of the free and house of of the brave!


" Young LADY, I am you mom little girl. And I don't want you to talk to me the way you are now. So shut your mouth before I shut it for you, little girl!" I was amzed at my mom's courage and tone with me and I felt tears of joy run down my cheeks, I hadn't been that happy in who knows how long, but my happiness didn't last long because my mom thought I was crying because I was angry. NO WAY! She took off her  belt and beat me to my room and told me to stay there and that I wasn't going to school today. No problemo, I would just get up when she left. Sometimes I wonder how she even graduated from college. Also, did I mention I am le--

Part Two Coming Soon.Wink

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