THE BREAK UP | By: Willie Buchanan | | Category: Poem - Life Bookmark and Share



I’m sorry but this relationship does not give me what I need.
I’m not gonna say it’s all your fault or mine.
It’s just at this time we are moving in different directions.
You should have known this was coming.
The signs have been there for quite some time.
So this should not be a surprise!
2 years what the hell we gave it a hell of a shot,you know !
We want different things out of life.If a tree won’t bend in a strong wind it will break.
There is no one else,that’s not it.I just need my freedom back so I can breath.
I feel like I’m suffocating.
Oh my God,stop crying !
Buck up and take it like a man!
No relationship last forever !

“You bitch! Did you have to tell me over the phone?”

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