Ode to Toulee | By: Jerry L. Jones | | Category: Short Story - Reflections Bookmark and Share

Ode to Toulee

Ode to Toulee
May 09, 2004

‘Neath the Willow tree -- by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou,
I was transformed -- from just a ball of yellow feathery fluff,
To a stately Toulouse -- a rare and Lovely Goose,
With silky feathers that glisten,
Upon the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

Ten balls of fluff were in the shipping box – only three days old!
Some of us were Toulouse, others -- American Buff.
All very special – all very rare – all very lovely -- and all very loved,
By the Pretty Lady with a wonderful smile,
Who lives by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

She counted carefully -- to make sure we were all there.
I was number eight! But we all felt just as important!
Because the Pretty Lady held us – and talked to us – and loved us,
Before we even saw -- the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

Only a year has passed. Twelve fantastic months!
A wonderful beginning for my life of maybe 30 years!
Oh the memories – A year of tasting the joys to come!
Running against the wind, -- I am learning to fly,
Above the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

The Pretty Lady kept us secure in a pen for six months.
She fed us – watered us – cared for us – gave us treats -- and loved us.
We were safe in the pen -- with its green mesh walls and green roof.
Nothing could harm us by day or by night.
We were growing strong – shedding our downy feathers,
By the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

The Pretty Lady taught us to swim -- in a deep tank of clean, clear water.
What a joy! We dived under the surface, kicking water all over her!
But she didn’t mind – laughing with glee at our fun.
She got just as wet -- carrying us one-by-one back to the pen.
What a Pretty Lady – to care for us -- to love us,
Who lives by the still waters -- along the Pretty Bayou.

Some of us have special names.
There is “Fat Boy” – number ten of the brood.
He was the largest of us when we were very young.
“Chirper” – number nine – is the “Motor-Mouth” of the group.
The Pretty Lady loves to listen to Chirper’s constant melodies,
Sitting under the Willow tree -- by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

Oh no! Something awful is happening to “Fat Boy”!
Though he tries to walk tall and strong, he keeps falling and can’t get up.
The Pretty Lady tries to help – giving him the best of care – and her love.
She takes him to the best doctors – and works with him – and cries for him.
But he will never swim with us – on the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

Now there are only nine of us – with poor Chirper growing weaker each day.
Oh Chirper – You bring such joy and happiness to us all,
With your melody of songs – so delightful and lovely to hear.
The doctors have done all they can – as we wait – and pray.
We miss your cheerful chirping – by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

There are others – of the eight who are left -- who also have names.
But the Pretty Lady has not yet named me. I wish I had a special name.
But I know she loves me. She always speaks kindly to me – and smiles at me.
She tells me that I am a Toulouse – a rare and Lovely Goose.
Lucky me -- Lucky to live by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

A wonderful year – A time of youth, of learning, of growing, of loving.
Yes – I now have a mate – A wonderful, strong, stately mate!
A Gander who stays by my side, and will be with me – forever.
Together we will fly – We will soar – We will live life to the fullest.
We will love – and raise our fluffy yellow goslings,
On the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

Alas! My wing is broken and dragging – a dreadful accident!
The Pretty Lady is rushing me to the doctor.
She called me Toulee! – and said she will take good care of me.
I have a special name! – I am Toulee -- a Toulouse – a rare and Lovely Goose
I will be cared for – and loved – by the Pretty Lady,
Who lives by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

When my broken wing heals, I will have many wonderful years,
Soaring on the wind – swimming with my goslings -- my mate by my side.
I shall live life to the fullest,
On the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

I am now awake, but -- Oh! -- What ? – Why ?
The doctors and the Pretty Lady are with me,
But – Oh my ! -- I have only one wing!
I will never again fly ! – Never again soar on the wind !
With my mate by my side – above the still waters of the Pretty Bayou.

The doctors have done the best they can for me.
Will I be healthy and strong? -- Will I be able to swim?
Will I have my mate and my goslings to love?
Will I be loved ? -- Will I – number eight -- Live --
On the still waters along the Pretty Bayou ?

The Seasons now come and go – as the ebb and flood of the tides.
Time passes – slowly – but surely, as the ticking of a clock .
I often hear the soft footsteps of the Pretty Lady,
As she quietly walks to this Special Place – ‘neath the Willow tree,
By the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

She silently watches the Toulouse and the Buff ,
Swimming -- playing happily -- with their fluffy yellow goslings.
All so lucky – to be loved by the Pretty Lady,
Who lives by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

She carefully counts them all – the little balls of yellow fluff.
Yes – They are all there – All accounted for.
Always loved – Always guarded ever closely,
Guarded by the seven adults,
On the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

As her soft footsteps fade away -- from this Special Place,
‘Neath the Weeping Willow tree,
I – Toulee -- am the luckiest of all Toulouse – a rare and Lovely Goose.
For I have been loved by the Pretty Lady,
Who lives by the still waters along the Pretty Bayou.

Though my heart is still,
My soul forever wings its way,
With Fat Boy and Chirper by my side,
Above the still waters – along the Pretty Bayou.


This true story is dedicated
to my lovely, wonderful, and loving wife – Linda Diane Jones.


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