Her Death | By: Mary Amy Martinez | | Category: Poem - Death Bookmark and Share

Her Death

She saw her self there on floor...
She was just lying there.
Her life passed as it did before.
Her regrets came to her in a flash,
but her tears came even faster.
She cried because her life was over,
she cried because she existed no more.
The people gather and mourned her death,
but no one could speak on her behalf.
She was silent and shy......
quiet and soft.
The pain in her eyes said it all but she spoke nothing.
The people threw flowers on her grave but she threw them right back.
They didn't know her and now....
no one would.
As she cried that night in her grave, she heard a lady begin to speak.
"I'm sorry if I never showed my love.
How could I have not seen your pain?
You were my daughter.....
my only one. I miss you so much.
How could I have been so blind?
Please forgive me......
I will always remember you as my little angel good bye....."
The lady threw a rose into her daughter's grave, but this time
the girl didn't through it back.
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